Wood is the most ductile material existing in nature as well as being soft enough to be easily cut and finished. For this reason it is the material most used in DIY (read the article “Types of wood used for DIY“).
The cuts to be made on the wood can be of two types:
- Straights: in this case there is no problem;
- Curved / alternative: in this case there could be difficulties. To perform alternative cuts it is necessary to have a cylindrical milling machine, an alternative saw and, of course, the cutting template.
The easiest tool to use to make alternative cuts on wood is the alternative hacksaw, recommended for wood with a low thickness. The router is, instead, only for thick woods.
Without templates, accuracy gets lower. Moreover, to have a precise and clean cut, it is important to mark the points to be cut with a pencil, so as to have another template to follow.
The speed of the tools is important, to be associated with the thickness of the wood. The greater the thickness, the greater the speed. If the wood is thin, a minimum speed will be more than enough.
The practice, to finish, is the basis of every activity. The more cutting tests will be performed, the greater the level of precision.
Making use of the quality of the products is of fundamental importance.
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